Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vintage Suitcase Wedding Wishing Well....

My brothers Fiancée ~ now his wife ~ wanted something different as her cards/wishing well at her wedding reception.

She (and my brother) thought because they were going on their honeymoon trip to Vietnam right after the wedding that a suitcase would be appropriate.

So I offered to refurbish the inside of an old suitcase if they found one they liked. My sister-in-law scrounged Trademe until she found a gorgeous dark green canvas and wood suitcase which looked super cool and vintage but was rather raggedy on the inside.
Original travel stickers still intact
So... my sister-in-law and I went for a trip to Spotlight and found a lovely navy fabric (matched the bridesmaids dresses), heaps of different types of furniture nails and a few odds and ends to make the finished product.
Note the awesome pink hammer
I used furniture foam under the fabric so it was not directly on the wood

I used flat top furniture nails and raised circular ones for decoration
Completed the bottom

Figuring out how much fabric was needed was tricky
Raised circular furniture nails placed strategically to break up the blue
Almost finished...
Just a few final touches needed...
Once I had covered all the inside of the suitcase I attached a piece of chain from the bottom part to the lid so it would stay open. I also attached a chain from each side of the lid and sprayed some plywood letters a creamy off-white (another colour in the wedding) and attached them to the chain and taaa daaa.... finished Vintage Suitcase Wedding Wishing Well....

Really great idea because they have put all their wedding keepsakes in it, so good storage post-wedding ~ and something to have fun rummaging through in a few years time ...

My excellent sister-in-law just sent me though a photo of the suitcase on the big day 

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