Saturday, July 14, 2012

Retro Comic Book Telephone Table

I found an awesome hallway telephone table but it's seat was worse for wear and it was really rusty.

Original Telephone Table
I wire brushed all the rust off and painted it with a rustproof undercoat.

I then painted it bright red/orange...

And then I covered the seat with black and white comic pictures I found and coated it with poly...

Close up of comic images on seat
And the finished product....

Finished phone table, not quite complete without...
... a retro telephone

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Comic Book Side Table

I had a wooden side table which was very scuffed up and a little beyond sanding and re-varnishing.

A bit scruffy and boring...


I sanded it down and painted it bluey purple and covered the top of the table with GI Joe comic pictures left over from the comic book coffee tables I made previously ~

Finished table
Top view

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vintage Suitcase Wedding Wishing Well....

My brothers FiancĂ©e ~ now his wife ~ wanted something different as her cards/wishing well at her wedding reception.

She (and my brother) thought because they were going on their honeymoon trip to Vietnam right after the wedding that a suitcase would be appropriate.

So I offered to refurbish the inside of an old suitcase if they found one they liked. My sister-in-law scrounged Trademe until she found a gorgeous dark green canvas and wood suitcase which looked super cool and vintage but was rather raggedy on the inside.
Original travel stickers still intact
So... my sister-in-law and I went for a trip to Spotlight and found a lovely navy fabric (matched the bridesmaids dresses), heaps of different types of furniture nails and a few odds and ends to make the finished product.
Note the awesome pink hammer
I used furniture foam under the fabric so it was not directly on the wood

I used flat top furniture nails and raised circular ones for decoration
Completed the bottom

Figuring out how much fabric was needed was tricky
Raised circular furniture nails placed strategically to break up the blue
Almost finished...
Just a few final touches needed...
Once I had covered all the inside of the suitcase I attached a piece of chain from the bottom part to the lid so it would stay open. I also attached a chain from each side of the lid and sprayed some plywood letters a creamy off-white (another colour in the wedding) and attached them to the chain and taaa daaa.... finished Vintage Suitcase Wedding Wishing Well....

Really great idea because they have put all their wedding keepsakes in it, so good storage post-wedding ~ and something to have fun rummaging through in a few years time ...

My excellent sister-in-law just sent me though a photo of the suitcase on the big day 

Green Lantern Fold-down Side-tables

I got two matching wooden fold down tables for a pretty good price but both had deep water marks on them from coffee cups and the like. I usually feel bad ruining nice pieces of wooden furniture but considering these were beyond sanding and re-varnishing I thought I would put my Green Lantern comic books to use...

These would look really cool on either side of a bed as bedside tables or just as side-tables  in a lounge. 

Finished Products
I had just put poly over the close ups of the tops of the tables but they dry matt so there is no shine on the comics.

Purple Piano Stool

I found an amazing piano stool rummaging at a school fair and thought it was worthy of being done up.

Paint splatters and all...
I had some great Asian style fabric with multi coloured fans. The legs of the stool were veneer wood so I sanded it back so it would take the purple/blue colour I had found to compliment the fabric (very purple in photos)

Asian fan inspired fabric
This is an awesome spare chair to have around in a small lounge and would look great in front of a piano or keyboard. It also has space for sheet music under the seat...

Finished piano stool

Space for sheet music

All done....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Revived Table

A friend gave me this old table, it was rather well loved judging by the scratches and the worn down varnish.

I also felt the beige tiles were a little dated...

Original table
So I sanded down the entire table and stripped back the old varnish. I put a few new coats of varnish on the wood to spruce it up and bring the wood back to life.

I then tapped around the wood and sprayed the tiled sections in bright orange and bright blue

Varnished and coloured

 Lastly I waited a few days for everything to be dry (it's winter so it takes a while) and then I layer it several times with poly so the tiles and wood are protected from chipping and water.

Finished product, protected by layers of poly

Comic Book Coffee Tables

I purchased some cheap wooden coffee tables which nestled together. I really liked the shape but thought they needed sprucing up...

I find a lot of furniture on trademe or at thrift stores
 I sanded down both tables and found a fantastic "comic book" green to paint the ends

I used some GI Joe comics (given to me by a very good friend) and chose images which complemented the "comic book" green. It took a while finding the bluey and orangey images that flowed together well...

A lot of time was spent in front of the tele sticking this all down

Once I was happy with how all the images looked I coated them with several layers of matt poly (I did so many layers because they are coffee tables and I wanted them to be water proof ~ who can be bothered using coasters??)

And now they are hanging out in my lounge with the footstool I also made... I just love them... I have made several other pieces like this and bespoke pieces can be made specific to ones furniture style and comic/image preference.

Finished Product
If you have any questions or want a piece made for you or someone else please contact me through my facebook

Pirate Stool, Yaaarrr

I found this amazing wooden Queen Anne style piano stool at Avondale Markets in Auckland for a absolute steal.

Sadly it was rather run down and the cushion was falling apart, so I ripped it apart more....

I sanded down the base and found a fantastic bright red/orange to paint it

Sorry about the blurry photo
I then got new cushion stuffing and probably the coolest fabric ever and reupholstered the cushion

And that is how the supremely awesome PIRATE STOOL came into being... yaarrr